The ALOA/CEFA Collaborative Conference took place in the Galway Bay Hotel in November 2019. Supported by Solas and ETBI, the theme of the event was ‘Valuing and Evaluating Non-formal and Informal Learning‘. We had in the region of 100 delegates in attendance, with representation from Adult Literacy Organisers, Community Education Facilitators as well as Solas and ETBI.
The conference covered key aspects of non-formal and informal learning from policy to practice, highlighting the value of learning and showcasing current tools and methodologies which measure the value of such learning on people’s lives.
Experts from Ireland and Europe spoke at the event including Roisin Doherty, SOLAS, Micheal Kenny, Maynooth University and Mai Timmi, Department of Education, Estonia. The Learner Voice was represented by Community Education and Adult Literacy learners from GRETB, and the positive experience returning to education with ETBs was showcased.