International Literacy Day 2017
International Literacy Day 2017

Using technology in adult literacy and numeracy tuition
9.15 Registration: Tea and coffee
9.45 Opening remarks
David Pollard, Innovation Pioneer, Rehab Group, Dublin
9.50 Launch of National Adult Literacy Awareness Week
Inez Bailey, CEO, National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA)
10.00 Address by Minister for Education and Skills
Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Education and Skills
10.15 Using technology in adult basic education: Learning from the IDEAL Erasmus + project
Niamh Maguire, Adult Literacy Organiser and Kathie Orr, Resource Worker and Tutor, Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
10.35 The flipped numeracy classroom: What is it and how it works
Niall O’Connor, Deputy Principal, Maths and Science teacher, Ardgillan Community College, Co. Dublin
10.55 Adult skills in Ireland: Strengths and challenges
Anthony Mann, Senior Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris
11.15 Coffee and networking
11.35 Teaching mathematical concepts through digital media
Paul Curran, Assistant Coordinator, Local Training Initiative at Young Irish Film-Makers, Kilkenny
12.05 Websites and apps to enhance teaching and learning
Mary Jo Bell, Primary School Teacher, Professional Development Service forTeachers (PDST) Technology Tutor, Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) Executive.
12.20 Panel discussion: Students talking about how technology has helped with their learning
12.40 Questions and answers
1.00 Close and lunch
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