Review of ‘Looking after the family, Looking after me’ Pilot Project
Clare Family Learning Project in conjunction with St. Vincent de Paul
Spring 2017
While promoting Family Learning courses to members of St. Vincent de Paul it was suggested that many parents SVP meet need help with household budgeting and general home management skills, including cookery. A seven week pilot programme was developed by Clare Family Learning Project in conjunction with guidance from SVP. The programme was delivered from 20th January to 10th March 2017 in Ennis. SVP funded the tuition costs, while CFLP provided venue, materials and ingredients.
Programme curriculum
A tutor with the CFLP was tasked with expanding the key topics for a seven week course. She provided a wide range of topics and useful links, resources and recipes for learners. A handbook was developed for tutors to use. Due to the nature of the course it was felt that two tutors would work together to support learners. Some may need extra support as sensitive information may arise. As this was a pilot project a pre and post short survey was used to gather information to assess the impact of the new learning.
The pilot project was mentioned at a number of LCETB programme managers meetings and Local Area Network meetings. This resulted in a number of agencies contacting CFLP requesting the handbook for use with their own clients e.g. homeless group and women’s refuge organisation.
The course was promoted in and around Ennis through SVP, Clare Family Learning Project and relevant community and government agencies locally: Clare Immigrant Support Services, Clarecare, Public Health Nurses, Home School Community Liaison Coordinators in schools, Traveller Primary Healthcare Project, etc.
Gathering information
Participant analysis
Ten participants attended the course, seven Irish and three migrants attended. Two male and eight female. One person wanted to get support as she would soon be living independently. Nine were early school leavers. Three have disabilities, while one is a migrant worker. Five are Long Term Unemployed, two are unemployed less than a year while two are not in the Labour Market while one is employed in low paid job.
Learners were aged between 32 and 71, with an average age of 41.
Four had primary education, four had lower second level education and two had some upper second level education.
Two were Brothers of Charity referrals, and one was referred from Department of Social Protection.
Attendance was very good with four of those attending having 100% attendance, while two missed just one day out of seven.
On the first day after introductions, learners completed a short survey on what they currently do at home regarding budgeting and managing. They were then provided with a selection of topics they could choose from. The following were chosen: Easy home management and cookery, Cleaning and maintenance, Food health, Food hygiene, Consumer skills and shopping, and Basic First aid. Each class included a cookery demonstration.
Pre and post results for six learners:
Is more careful when using home heating, has less food going off now, is trying a new recipe once a week, is sorting out paperwork weekly, and is now saving money monthly.
Now always watches for special offers, reduces home heating when necessary, sorts out paperwork more regularly, is doing regular exercise previously did no exercise. She is talking with her children about healthier diets.
Watches for special offers, is more careful of using energy in the home, has tried some recipes and has become more aware of healthier options when shopping.
Started to repair clothes, makes meal plans before shopping, uses new ingredients more.
Reduces the heat now, is cooking meals at home more regularly, tries the odd new recipe, and less food is going to waste.
Less food is going to waste, making a daily meal plan has helped, using tumble drier less now.
Weekly objectives
The group decided themselves on class objectives and it can be seen that after the course there was a definite improvement in their knowledge:
I’d like to know more about food health and how to deal with stress
Learner 1 |
Learner 2 |
Learner 3 |
Learner 4 |
Learner 5 |
Pre course |
4 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
6 |
Post course |
8 |
9 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
I’d like to be a smart shopper
Learner 1 |
Learner 2 |
Learner 3 |
Learner 4 |
Learner 5 |
Pre course |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
7 |
Post course |
8 |
7 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
I’d like to know more about different cleaning products
Learner 1 |
Learner 2 |
Learner 3 |
Learner 4 |
Learner 5 |
Pre course |
4 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
Post course |
8 |
6 |
7 |
9 |
10 |
I’d like to be more organised
Learner 1 |
Learner 2 |
Learner 3 |
Learner 4 |
Learner 5 |
Pre course |
3 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
7 |
Post course |
9 |
8 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
Where was I before I started the course?
Learner 1 |
Learner 2 |
Learner 3 |
Learner 4 |
Learner 5 |
Pre course |
5 |
5 |
7 |
Post course |
9 |
9 |
9 |
Issues among class group:
Week 1
- Struggling to find things, forgetting to pay an energy bill and getting cut off, found learning to eat Gluten free useful for family,
- Tips from group: Write in red marker on outside of envelope not to forget what it contains, e.g. bills for ESB etc.
Week 2
- Tips from group: Put a wet cloth in microwave and turn on for short while the steam softens the grime making it easier to clean. Clean one room at a time. Do jobs in the morning before you get tired. Turn music on helps to get on with cleaning the home. Don’t overload sockets in case of fire. Make sure batteries are in smoke alarms.
Week 3
- Tips from group: Try deep breathing exercises to de-stress. Finding out about the body e.g. BMI is good and they plan to reduce their sugar intake. One person will buy natural sugar substitute. Two aim to do some exercises daily. One plans to make homemade soup.
Week 4
- Tips from the group: Plan to waste less food by using it in new recipes now. Plan to buy less food and avoid waste.
Week 5
- Went on shop visit to spot consumer tricks, food labelling.
Week 6
- Used YouTube to learn how to put someone in the recovery position. First Aid tips.
- Literacy, numeracy and digital skills were embedded in each class in a natural way. The high attendance rate showed this type of class works to retain learners. Having two tutors was very useful to support the learners and gather information. The project has been very successful in supporting those on low incomes to better manage their finances.
Report by Mary Flanagan
Tutors: Noelle Eakins prepared the Resource Pack and co-facilitated the course.
Colette O’Brien documented and co-facilitated the course.